BLM do as we say not as we do in sheltering wild horses

Calico colt in the freezing cold.
Captured Calico colt out in the freezing cold.

For those who plan to adopt a wild horse or burro, you must provide adequate shelter from bad weather, not something the BLM bothered to hold themselves accountable for in their massive helicopter round in the Calico Complex area of northern Nevada conducted in harsh, wintry conditions.


Adopted wild horses and burros must be provided shelter from bad weather. A run-in shed attached to a corral, or a box stall in a barn & attached to a corral are fine – so long as the animal may move freely between the corral and shelter without needing to be handled, and without risk of escape.

Shelter or stall space should be at least 12 X 12 feet per animal. The BLM requirement is that the house have a roof and at least two walls, to protect from strong winds and driving rain or snow. If you are not adopting through BLM, you should still, for humane reasons, provide a shelter that is appropriate for your climate.

Following the cancellation of the Calico roundup, the public are forbidden to view the wild horses now in captivity, who knows under what conditions, we will receive no notice of the deaths, or their cause.

1 thought on “BLM do as we say not as we do in sheltering wild horses”

  1. What the hell is going on at the BLM and with the wild horses and burros of America. I simply cannot believe (and yet so sadly I do) the mess that has been made of the lives of animals protected by the Federal Government. The roundups are unecessary, they are being done badly, animals are dying and being treated badly, why are the people of the United States not rising up en masse and demanding that this travesty be stopped?? Please, please stop this idiocy. I have phoned the President and emailed the White House, I have passed along this site to all I know (mind you not all are Americans) and I have been contacting media outlets to ask them to cover this story…everybody…please do the same..and more if you, write, email your representatives in government and any media you can. We cannot let the ones who represent so much of American heritage to disappear at the hands of those who are charged with their protection and ‘management’. Dig out your old copy of Marguerite Henry’s book and get inspired.


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