Mustangs in the clouds (poem)


Peering over the Pine Nut Mountains
One blustery midsummer afternoon
Back in the roaring ‘90’s,
I beheld seven wild horses
In exquisitely sculpted white cloud forms.
Spanning a thousand feet or more.
Aligned with rumps and flowing tails to West
And gallant heads and flowing manes to East,
These marvels arched over
The windswept 9,000-foot N-S Pine Nut spine.
They leapt in graceful unison
And with the blessed ease
Of pure and liberated spirits.
Though I dashed into my home
To get my camera,
By the time I returned
They had vanished into thin air.

Presences manifest from higher dimension? I ask ye.
Yes, I think so.
For many years since childhood,
I have observed these physically incarnate wonders
Of flesh and bone, hide and mane,
And their more subtle effects.
Through many ups and downs:
Brutal roundups, shootings,
Water and forage deprivations
Perpetuated by greedy, devil-may-care man,
They have endured.
And if ever a group
Deserved to live free
Upon our North American continent
It is they!
These multi-million-year natives are
living symbols of freedom par
excellence shining forth for
all of us to see.
And by allowing them to so live we
In human form shall ourselves from selfishness,
— From pettiness of identification —
Wrest free!

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Mustangs in the Clouds, a true experience
By Craig C. Downer
Composed and typed in Carson Valley, Tues. May 17, 2011, 7:30 – 9:00 AM
For “image challenge” reading before Nevada Poetry Society, Sat. May 21, 2011

13 thoughts on “Mustangs in the clouds (poem)”

  1. I loved your bookStreams of the Soul! Am interested in your new book–you have a gift with words because of your great mind heart connection.
    I find myself looking at clouds in a whole new way now! Thank you.


    1. Thanks so much, Barbara. Yes, indeed, though fleeting it was a true blessing and one I shall not forget. Keep up the good fight for the wh/b’s and their deserved freedom here on Earth.


  2. Awesome picture poem–thank you Craig. When you can find Freedom in the clouds as they race across the sky, then your vision is true and your heart is untamed.


    1. Greetings my good friend Honor. I knew you would appreciate this poem. Hope to see you again soon and that you are doing well, hopefully up her to experience the wild horses with Jeff and Patty.


  3. How Beautiful is that, exactly how I see them……….Their lessons are in no book, they are given through physical and mental awareness , free to those who feel their presence and view them as the true beautiful beings we all know they are………. Their presence is a gift ………. embrace it they will always be what they are and nothing can ever change or alter that……………………. they are a gift of pure love and beauty……………..Bravo Mr, Downer……………………………


    1. Thanks so much Arlene. Yes it is their intrinsic worth that stands out and we humans should learn to let them be and let them be free. Wonderfully expressed, Arlene. We are soul mates in this.


      1. Thank You Mr. Downer ! They are always graciously ready when we need them……………….I find it deeply saddening that anyone who knows History of the United States and the role they played in it, would ever hurt them, we owe so very much to them…. Always wondered why they are not on the Flag. When ever i think of them I think they are as much our Heritage……………. They display Power, Courage and Grace and Freedom , Trust , and Pride…………………. The most Wonderful thing is no one can ever breed it out of them , it is there to stay………..forever…………………..


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