Wild Horses rounded up by federal agency Bureau of Land Management. Google image.nded up by federal government agency, Bureau of Land Management. Google image.

HSUS and BLM to hold wild horse and burro contraceptive celebration

Wild Horses needlessly rounded up by federal government agency, Bureau of Land Management. Google image.
Wild Horses needlessly rounded up by federal government agency, Bureau of Land Management. Google image.

While the BLM continues to round up America’s wild horses and burros decimating their herds, the rogue US federal agency plans to join partner HSUS in celebrating the experimental, pesticidal birth control method the mega animal welfarist group has long been promising would eliminate the cruel and needless gathers.

On the symposium website it states the conference will feature “a series of invited presentations and panels consisting of researchers, government representatives, and private citizens who are testing and applying contraceptives for the management of wild horses and burros”.

Wow, not just scientists and bureaucrats, but private citizens are being allowed to experiment on America’s iconic wild equines. And just how, when, where and with what are these private citizens doing this?

Read about it below.


Wild horse symposium to focus on contraception

Registrations are now being accepted for The Wild Horse Symposium: Humane Management of Wild Horses through Immunocontraception, which is being held on August 28 in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

The Wild Horse Symposium celebrates five years of partnership between The Humane Society of the United States, the Annenberg Foundation, and the Bureau of Land Management to advance contraceptive technology from research to widespread management of wild horse and burro herds.

Symposium presenters will highlight progress in contraceptive vaccine technology, share their experience with different approaches to vaccine delivery, and explore means of empowering government agencies, private sanctuaries, and other wild horse managers to use contraception to manage wild horse and burro populations effectively.

Speakers and other symposium participants will also identify remaining biological, logistical, legal, and institutional obstacles to system-wide contraceptive management of wild horses and burros, and develop and weigh possible solutions.

Session topics:

  • The Assateague of the West Project overview
  • Development of Controlled-Release Vaccines
  • Population and Behavioral Effects of Contraceptive Vaccines on Western Wild Horse Herds
  • Economics of Wild Horse Fertility Control on Public Lands
  • Regulatory Status of Immunocontraceptive Vaccines for Wild Horses
  • BLM’s Perspective on the Vision for the Role of Contraception in the WHB Program
  • Genetic Management of Wild Horse and Burro Populations
  • Research with GonaCon® on Wild Horses
  • Using Immunocontraception to Manage Wild Horse Sanctuaries
  • Options for Accessing and Delivering Contraceptives to Wild Horses and Burros
  • Panel Discussions

The symposium is being hosted by The Humane Society of the United States, The Annenberg Foundation and the US Bureau of Land Management.

Following this one-day event at the same venue, a separate conference is being held: The 7th International Conference on Fertility Control in Wildlife, from August 29-31.

More information http://www.wildhorsesymposium.org and http://www.wildlifeconference7.org.


14 thoughts on “HSUS and BLM to hold wild horse and burro contraceptive celebration”

  1. Does nt that make the BLM, Michael Vick in droves??????People who get their kicks out of animal torture are the sick of the World I deem them The Real Monsters,, so sick they deserve an eye for an eye for their actions !!!!!! There is no understanding or explaining for this sick bunch, to drive horses over Cliffs , is an unspeakable act that should be addressed for what it is !!!!! Premeditated Murder of the innocent !!!!The extreme act of a coward !!!!


  2. I’ll be donating to the groups that fight this. The public lands and the wild horses (and burros) belong to the tax payers of the USA. They do not belong to BLM/Pacelle etc. I love it when they say, ” Well then –pay for them !” We DO pay for them–we are being scalped–we pay for them over and over again–and then these agencies thumb their noses at us–and drive the horses over the cliff.


  3. I am sorry but I take no stock in Wayne Pacelle, to me he is just an expensive suit, I listened to him sell out OHIO FARM ANIMALS on conference call, with the Governor of Ohio…………………………. after hundred of OHIOANS spent their time collecting thousands of signatures to get it on the BALLOT ……I was at a meeting when he refused to talk of the Wild Mustangs in a meeting Solon, Ohio…………………if he has really done something good for the Mustangs I do not know of it !!!!!! Please inform me ??????? or i call him a SELL OUT !!!!


  4. In order to read any of these please paste them into your browser.

    The Truth About HSUS
    The ‘Albatross’ About Our Necks
    No Hope for Hope’s Law
    Legislating Doublespeak
    The Rot at the Heart of the Movement
    Going Rogue
    Betrayal & Deceit at the Humane Society of the United States
    While Rome Burns, Emperor Pacelle Strums His Lyre
    Michael Vick’s new spokesman says ‘You are a monster too!’
    HSUS: Abused Dogs Should Face “Pretty Certain” Death
    In Bed with Monsters
    It’s Déjà Vu All Over Again
    Wayne Pacelle Under Siege
    HSUS Defends Wilkes County Massacre
    The Death of Hope at HSUS


    1. Wayne Pacelle took over HSUS in 2004. That is when all the changes began (for better or worse depending on one’s perspective) to HSUS and their current brand of outreach.

      And now Michael Vick wants a dog now his three year ban is over. He wants them for his kids (shudder). http://www.bet.com/news/celebrities/2012/07/19/michael-vick-says-he-wants-to-own-a-dog.html

      Vick was not just involved in dog fighting, he took active “hands on” part in brutally destroying dogs used for fighting in some of the most horrific ways imaginable. For more on this see “The Indictment of Wayne Pacelle” at http://www.nathanwinograd.com/?p=6510

      Sorry for making this comment so long and taking what it appears to be off top. However, Pacelle and HSUS are very active in the horse slaughter and wild horse & burros issues.

      Excerpt from the link above:

      Calling Michael Vick a dog fighter does not paint the picture adequately or accurately. Michael Vick took a dog and hung him by the neck “by placing a nylon cord over a 2 x 4 that was nailed to two trees located next to the big shed.” When the dog didn’t die, Vick put on the pair of overalls he wore when he did not want to get blood from the dogs on his expensive tailored suits, and drowned the dog in a 5 gallon bucket of water. He took a second dog that would not die from hanging and tossed the dog to the side, later hanging him again, this time until he did die. Even when some of his co-conspirators wanted to give away dogs who would not fight rather than kill them, Vick refused, stating “they got to go,” meaning the dogs needed to be killed. Vick beat dogs to death. He watched dogs drown in his swimming pool, he shot them, he electrocuted them, he buried them alive, he savagely abused them, he took great enjoyment in it, and he found it funny to watch family pets being torn apart.


      1. Vick is a psychopath as far as I am concerned while the HSUS and their slick CEO, Wayne Pacelle, use animals as pawns to make money…checkmate!


  5. Number one !!! First and foremost, Wild Mustangs belong to the Land and THE AMERICAN PEOPLE !!! Wild Mustangs were declared by Congress unanimously in 1971 to be free and given 25 million acres to roam FREE on , Again I say any deviation from that explicit Declaration, is UNLAWFUL, and should be punishable by LAW>>>>> no one has the right to change that Declaration, Nature has given to the Mustangs every tool of survival that they need, when they need more Nature again will give to them what they need , they survive in conditions that defy the imagination, what part of that does not anyone not understand, they are here for the land with a reason purpose so complex maybe not your average GREEDY self serving person ts able to grasp…………… The BLM is appointed to PRESERVE AND PROTECT THE WILD MUSTANGS, PAID by the AMERICA TAXPAYER, they ARE NOT doing their JOB , THEY NEED to be Addressed by the LAW REMOVED and SENTENCED FOR THEIR CONTINUED CRIMINAL ACTS AGAINST THE WILD MUSTANGS …………………………………. BLM has stated on several occasion they are immune to the LAW, this is a American Agency , where is it Lawfully stated that the BLM are immune to the Laws of AMERICA>>>>>>>>>>>>>>…….


  6. This is all a very maximium intervention approach that has many unforseen and long term deleterious effects. Some celebration?! They should be investigating Reserve Design and ways of reducing livestock on the public lands so that the wild horses and burros can realize their legitimate and ecologically benign place!


  7. Never trusted the HSUS, but with the Annenberg Center involved – that’s a shame. How can they be stopped?


  8. One would wonder why they arent testing it on BLM Members First !!!!!!! Should be in their Koolaide !!!!! At the Big Non Celebration Party…………………….Maybe while they are partying on our DIME, and the Mustangs future , we should go and take Our Mustangs after all they belong to us, we pay for them……DONT WE !!!!!! I have no patience left for these money wasting people………………………………….. Why dont they go buy some good hay for the Mustangs !!!!!!!


    1. Yes, feed it to the BLM. They won’t be able to reproduce and will eventually become extinct. Wishful thinking.


  9. This is no Celebration, this is the means to an end , nothings changed just the method, it leads to the end , just like before !!!!!!! Hsus , what are they celebrating anyway??? I thought they were for the Wild Mustangs?????? Looks like lots were wrong a bout them , HSUS, I have always believed they are only interested in how much money they can get for pzp !!!!!! I knew the day he (wayne) was here in Solon, Ohio when he evaded ALL MY QUESTIONS about the Wild Mustangs back in 2004 .that him and his wardrobe of Expensive Designer Suits………………. were in it for the Money !!!!!!!!!! It takes a very special person to fight for the Horses for all the right reasons?????????


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