The History of the Draft Horse

Belgian Draft Horses by PeachesRox.

A horse loves freedom, and the weariest old work horse will roll on the ground or break into a lumbering gallop when he is turned loose into the open. ~GERALD RAFERTY A Giant of Labor The History of the Draft Horse by MARILYN WITT The draft horse is extremely powerful, with strong legs and a… Continue reading The History of the Draft Horse

Cache farm still runs on horse power (Ut)

STORY BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS LOGAN — Cache County farmer LaMar Ashby isn't worried about the impact of rising fuel prices on his family farm. His tractors don't run on diesel — they run on hay. Kate and Anne, two 7-year-old Belgian draft horses, plow the fields for planting, do the harrowing, side-raking and haul… Continue reading Cache farm still runs on horse power (Ut)