July 2022 racehorse kills

Dead Australian Racehorse, Pride of Westbury. By Horse Racing Kills.

Source: HorseRacingWrongs.org. Please share and visit their website. Leave a comment to help drive traffic and raise more awareness. JULY 2022 KILLS Died R: Racing; T: Training; S: Stall Sticky Issue, Jul 1, Churchill R – “catastrophic injury, humanely euthanized”Action for Autism, Jul 2, Pleasanton R – “lost action”Vindatude, Jul 3, Saratoga T – “collapsed… Continue reading July 2022 racehorse kills

Santa Anita has 4th horse death in short fall meeting

VIA THE LOS ANGELES TIMES John Cherwa writes: "Santa Anita had its fourth equine death of its five-week fall meeting on Saturday when Major Cabbie broke down on the backstretch of a one-mile claiming race and was euthanized. This fall meeting has been a significant backslide from last year when the Arcadia track had no… Continue reading Santa Anita has 4th horse death in short fall meeting

Horse racing returns to the killing fields of Santa Anita

Santa Anita Racecourse entrance. Photographer not cited.

Horse racing returns to the killing fields of Santa Anita for its Autumn race meet, reports local station CBS Ch. 2 Los Angeles. The article states: “Santa Anita suffered several racing horse deaths in recent years, but the acting director said changes made in California may become the standard nationwide”. The acting director they refer… Continue reading Horse racing returns to the killing fields of Santa Anita

Racehorse death by numbers

Dead Australian Racehorse, Pride of Westbury. By Horse Racing Kills.

Let's take a look at the numbers reported regarding racehorse deaths. The following quote started us wondering. “Over the past decade, an average of more than 600 thoroughbreds a year have died because of racing,” according to research by the USA TODAY Network and published October 31, 2019. That number seems low to us. It is… Continue reading Racehorse death by numbers