Racehorse death by numbers

Dead Australian Racehorse, Pride of Westbury. By Horse Racing Kills.

Let's take a look at the numbers reported regarding racehorse deaths. The following quote started us wondering. “Over the past decade, an average of more than 600 thoroughbreds a year have died because of racing,” according to research by the USA TODAY Network and published October 31, 2019. That number seems low to us. It is… Continue reading Racehorse death by numbers

NTRA’s unbelievable response to HBO’s report on horse racing

We didn't expect horse racing to respond to HBO's hard hitting segment on horse racing. We figured they would just lay low for a good long while, until they figured people had forgotten about it. That's what they usually do. But they have responded, in a manner of speaking, via Alex Waldrop. What a gift!… Continue reading NTRA’s unbelievable response to HBO’s report on horse racing

Overall rule and radical reform not damage control required in horse racing

Silhouette of Racehorse and Rider. Mark Lennihan / AP Image.

Horse racing in America needs radical reform and an overall ruling body empowered by Congress governing it, not media relation exercises designed to trick the public into thinking that the sport is clean and its horses safe from abuse and death. An example of the type of thinking that needs to go appears in an… Continue reading Overall rule and radical reform not damage control required in horse racing

Congressional study looks at drug abuse, injuries in horse racing

It is difficult to know where to start when looking at the problems facing horse racing. However, it is clear that denial is right at the very core of the problem. The solution of setting up a central regulatory body with some real power and inclination to reform and restore some integrity to the sport… Continue reading Congressional study looks at drug abuse, injuries in horse racing

NTRA re horse slaughter, is anybody at home?

NTRA: IS ANYONE HOME? Dr. Patricia Hogan, an accomplished veterinary surgeon who operates Hogan Equine in New Jersey and oversees the Ruffian Equine Medical Center adjacent to Belmont Park, understands that public perception is reality when it comes to equine welfare issues. When the American Veterinary Medical Association and American Association of Equine Practitioners came… Continue reading NTRA re horse slaughter, is anybody at home?

Five facts you won’t read in the NYT article says Alex Waldrop (US)

Alex Waldrop, President and CEO of the National Thoroughbred Racing Association (NTRA), retorts to Joe Drape's article in the New York Times in the following email: March 24, 2009 Dear Vivian, You may have seen this morning's edition of the New York Times that included Joe Drape's commentary on the current state of safety and… Continue reading Five facts you won’t read in the NYT article says Alex Waldrop (US)

National Racing Association Issues Drug and Safety Directives (US)

By BILL FINLEY | New York Times | October 15, 2008 Cross-posted from this link Five months after the death of Eight Belles at the Kentucky Derby focused attention on horse racing’s safety and integrity problems, an industry organization announced a series of suggested reforms Wednesday and named Tommy Thompson, the former governor of Wisconsin,… Continue reading National Racing Association Issues Drug and Safety Directives (US)

Horse Industry organizations position on slaughter (US)

By RAY PAULICK Cross posted from http://www.paulickreport.com (UPDATED OCT. 10 TO REFLECT NEW POLICY FROM MAGNA ENTERTAINMENT) When the Judiciary Committee in the U.S. House of Representatives held a markup hearing on Sept. 17 to discuss H.B. 6598, the Prevention of Equine Cruelty Act of 2008 that would ban slaughter and criminalize the transportation of… Continue reading Horse Industry organizations position on slaughter (US)

The NTRA and Waffling Wally (US)

By VIVIAN GRANT The National Thoroughbred Racing Association (NTRA) are a threat to the safety and welfare of racing's Thoroughbreds with it anti-horse attitudes, and the rest of America's horses with its pro-slaughter lobbying. But why? Why does the NTRA hate Thoroughbreds? Why does the NTRA look the other way when Thoroughbreds are raced to… Continue reading The NTRA and Waffling Wally (US)